Week 1:
Week 1 started off with an icebreaker. Icebreakers aren’t usually my favorite thing to do when I’m in a class with a bunch of strangers, but I should’ve expected this type of interaction when I first walked into the room and saw my teacher. She was wearing a brightly-colored sundress with earrings that dangled and swayed to her bodily movements—an immediate indication of a hippie-like character. She jumped around the classroom with enthusiasm that made me think we were going to cure cancer instead of analyze sentence structure, and to top it off she brought her family with her. I thought to myself, “well, I hate icebreakers, but if it means I get to watch this mad hatter jump around the room, then hell, I’ll play along.” And To be honest I welcomed the craziness. As the son of an English teacher I learned early in life that writing teachers express their brilliance and passion in a more loony fashion, and the more odd they seem, the more engaging they are as a teacher. Perhaps this logic is flawed, but while I’ve chuckled at the crazy English teacher who’s wearing a dress and panny hoes with tennis shoes, reading a book, while skipping to lunch, I never would doubt her ability to capture my attention and interest in the classroom. In short, I was delighted to know that my professor was a little off.
Yeah, I am that crazy old lady. It's the privilege one has at 60!! Have you heard of the book, "When I Grow Old I Shall Wear Purple." That's me and I never grew out of my hippiehood.